Constraint Propagation

This example demonstrates the constraint propagation facility in PowerLoomâ„¢ which provides simple propositional forward inference and propagation of equality constraints.

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|= (demo 8)

Now reading from `PL:sources;logic;demos;constraints.ste'.
Type `?' at the pause prompt for a list of available commands.

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: STELLA; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Base: 10 -*-

;;; Version: constraints.ste,v 1.9 2000/07/15 02:33:02 hans Exp

;;; Constraint propagation
;;; ======================

;;; This file demonstrates PowerLoom's constraint propagation facility
;;; which provides simple propositional forward inference and
;;; propagation of equality constraints.  Truth-maintenance of
;;; constraint propagation inferences is still under construction,
;;; which means that the constraint propagation interface will most
;;; probably change in future versions of PowerLoom.

;;; The best way to view this file is by calling `(demo)' and
;;; selecting it from the menu of example demos.  This demo assumes
;;; familiarity with some basic PowerLoom concepts which are described
;;; in the introductory demo (#1 on the demo menu) and other demos
;;; preceding this one.

;; Standard demo preamble:

|= (in-package "STELLA")
------ pause ------c



|= (in-module "CONSTRAINTS")

|= (clear-module "CONSTRAINTS")

|= (reset-features)


|= (in-dialect :KIF)


;; The already familiar `Person' class:

|= (defconcept PERSON (?p)
  :documentation "The class of human beings.")


|= (defrelation happy ((?p PERSON)))


|= (deffunction age ((?p PERSON)) :-> (?a INTEGER))


|= (assert (Person Fred))


;; In PowerLoom forward constraint propagation is performed on a 
;; per-instance basis.  By default, it is turned on.
;; So that we can get a feel for what it does, let us disable it
;; unsetting the feature `:just-in-time-inference':

|= (unset-feature :just-in-time-inference)


;; We start by asserting the following disjunction:

|= (assert (or (happy Fred) (= (age Fred) 40)))

    (= (AGE FRED) 40))

;; When we ask for one of the disjuncts, we do not get an answer,
;; since nothing is known about the individual disjuncts:

|= (ask (= (age Fred) 40))


;; Now we assert the negation of the first disjunct.  If just-in-time
;; inference were enabled, the falsity of the first disjunct would
;; cause the second disjunct to be asserted to be true.  But, its not:

|= (assert (not (happy Fred)))


|= (ask (= (age Fred) 40))


;; Now we reenable just-in-time inference, and try the same question
;; again:

|= (set-feature :just-in-time-inference)


|= (ask (= (age Fred) 40))


;; To show that no inference is necessary to answer this question,
;; we turn on goal-tracing of the inference engine:

|= (set-feature trace-subgoals)


;; Now the query below returns true.  The goal trace shows that no
;; inference needs to be performed to get the answer, since the asked
;; proposition is available directly, just like a regular assertion:

|= (ask (= (age Fred) 40))

| GOAL: (= (AGE FRED) 40)
| SUCC: truth=T

|= (unset-feature trace-subgoals)


;; Forward constraint propagation picks up certain inferences much
;; more efficiently than the backward chainer.  Note that, currently,
;; PowerLoom would have not been able to make the above inference
;; without having constraint propagation turned on.  

;; The system caches the results of just-in-time forward propagation
;; in a special context.  To insure soundness, this context gets blown
;; away if a retraction occurs.  That means that after the following
;; retraction, constraint propagation has to be recomputed when the
;; question is repeated:

|= (retract (not (happy Fred)))


|= (ask (= (age Fred) 40))


;; Below, we run a variation of the previous example that makes use of
;; the violation of an equality constraint:

|= (assert (Person Fritz))


|= (assert (= (age Fritz) 25))

|P|(= (AGE FRITZ) 25)

;; So far, we don't know whether Fritz is happy:

|= (ask (happy Fritz))


;; Now we assert a similar disjunction as used in the example above.
;; Since the second disjunct clashes with the age asserted above,
;; constraint propagation asserts the first disjunct to be true:

|= (assert (or (happy Fritz) (= (age Fritz) 40)))

    (= (AGE FRITZ) 40))

;; Now this query succeeds without any inference:

|= (ask (happy Fritz))


;; Propagation of equality constraints:

|= (assert (Person John))


|= (assert (Person Mary))


;; John is the same age as Mary:

|= (assert (= (age John) (age Mary)))


;; We don't yet know Mary's age:

|= (ask (= (age Mary) 25))


;; Now we set John's age to be 25:

|= (assert (= (age John) 25))

|P|(= (AGE JOHN) 25)

;; This assertion got propagated through the previously asserted
;; equality, thus, now we also know that Mary's age is 25:

|= (ask (= (age Mary) 25))



Finished demo `PL:sources;logic;demos;constraints.ste'.


Information Sciences Institute ISI Intelligent Systems Division PowerLoom Home Page
PowerLoom is a trademark of the University of Southern California.
Last modified: Oct 1, 2003